Here’s a great story about a judge who adopted a blind pug. Check out the way Mikey follows the judge up and down the stairs, through the rooms of the courthouse, etc. You’ll even see Mikey sing at the end!
double enucleation
Lily, an Inspiration for Blind Dogs Everywhere
Lily was born blind with detached retinas. Eventually she lost both her eyes, one to an infection and one to glaucoma. Fortunately, however, she found Pat Fairless who adopted Lily when she was 14 months old.
If you think blind dogs don’t have a good quality of life, then this video should change your mind. Here you’ll see Lily running as free as the wind, swimming, navigating sand dunes and much more. Take a look…
If you’d like to learn more about Lily and see more of her pics and videos, check out her website. You can also click here to check out her Facebook Group.
Ella, The Amazing Blind Basset Hound
“I sometimes see post regarding folks being very upset about the diagnosis of their dog going blind. I totally understand that feeling. I was so upset when I heard about my Ella’s Glaucoma and that it would take my baby’s eyes. Her eyes!! I remember thinking that she will never see the ocean. Why did I have this thought? No idea. I live in the dry desert of Arizona! I just felt so sorry for her that so many crazy thoughts crossed my mind. I wish I could tell everyone that it will be okay and you are going to be amazed! I know you will hear this a lot and think, I just don’t know.
Just wait…
Fast forward six months later.
My blind dog rocks! I love that she walks with her head held high. I love the shocked look on people’s faces when they realize she has no eyes. I hear all the time, “You would never realize she was blind if you did not know!” I love watching her figuring things out. I love how she is so fearless. A little too much at times for my comfort, but I let her try when I know she won’t get hurt. I love how she listens intently and follows sounds/smells. Although, I still cringe sometimes inside when she bonks into something, my girl just shrugs it off and goes another route. Is she the same dog as she was with eyes? No. She is my new improved version with so many different qualities that have made her even more amazing to me. Ella just keeps putting one big paw in front of the other. She taught me to do the same.
Although, the initial diagnosis is very shocking, there is an amazing dog still waiting for you at the end of sight. Ella may have lost her eyes, but I see very clearly now. Xx”
~Ginger and Ella
Ain’t she beautiful?